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미드 프렌즈 시즌2 X EP09 대본공부 통한 라이팅

by taejun2da 2020. 5. 8.

<미드 프렌즈 시즌2 에피소드09 라이팅>

여태까지 문장을 변형해서 공부했는데

안 볼 것 같아서 이제는 그냥 스크립트에 있는 문장만 적어두고

진짜로 실제 사용할 수 있는 문장 몇 개만 가져가겠다



계속 듣고 말하고 Writing까지 하셔야 체화가 되는거에요!!

▶ Cookies says someone really cares

→ 물건이 말한다~

▶ Hey Gunther, you got stiars in your place?

→  place

▶ Here, go nuts

→ 미치다 / 상대방에게 마음껏 하라 할 때 / 먹고 싶은 만큼 먹어라

▶ I don't want to go along with

→ go along with : ~에 동의하다

▶ You guys haven't gotten your presents yet?

→ 너 아직도 ~안했어? 식의 질문화법

▶ I don't think the mailman liked your cookies. Here are the ornaments your mom sent.

→ I don't think / Here are

▶ Well, I think you're better off without him.

→ be better off

▶ It uhh, it won't go back

→ = This won't print

▶ No, if he doesn't like our cookies, too bad. I'm not gonna be blackmailed.

→ blackmail : 갈취, 협박

▶ Look if worse comes to worse, it gets a little warm, we'll call it a theme party.

→ if worse comse to worse = 최악의 경우,

▶ Do you think there's a chance you could fix that radiator now?

→ there's a chance

▶ Will this help with the knob getting?

→ help with

▶ I know you're not gonna go in there but do you think it'd be okay if I went in and used his bathroom?

→ if 가정

▶ Really, hey, you mind if I turn the heat down?

→ mind if

▶ I feel like I should get you another sweater

→ feel like


