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프렌즈 시즌1 X EP01 대본공부 통해 스피킹 위한 라이팅

by taejun2da 2020. 3. 19.

<미드 프렌즈 시즌1 에피소드1 라이팅>

프렌즈 시즌1 EP01에 나온 모든 문장 중에서 실전에서 쓸 만한, 그리고 괜찮은 단어와 숙어가 있으면

정리하고 나의 실생활에 맞게 직접 변형해서 연습해야겠다.


계속 듣고 말하고 Writing까지 하셔야 체화가 되는거에요!!


There's gotta be something wrong with him

- There's는 There has / has gotta는 has got to / has got to는 has to(must)의 구어체 표현

→ There's gotta be some food leftover in the refrigerator

→ There's gotta be some masks left in the pharmacy

→ There's gotta be the snack you're looking for in the convenient store



It's just two people going out to dinner and not having sex

- 명사 다음에 ing 써버리는 문장 구조

→ It's just a puppy hanging out with her toys

→ It's just two people standing in the middle of the playground and not drinking

→ It's just Monica and Rachel watching tv and having a snack in the couch



I was more turned on by this gravy boat than by Barry!

- turn on : 흥분하다 / turn on by : ~에 정신이 팔리다

→ I was more turned on by Netflix than by online classes

→ I was more turned on by the structure of the stage than by the actors

→ I was more turned on by the chicken and beer than by the view of the Han river



I know that you and I have kind of drifted apart but you are the only person I knew who lived here in the city

- drift apart : 사이가 멀어지다

→ We grew apart for years

→ We were slowly drifting apart

→ It is inevitable that you will drift apart from your buddies as they go back home



Ooh, she should not be wearing those pants!

- be wearing = wear / 동사 하나로 끝날 것을 be -ing로 쓰는 경우 多

→ She should not be eating all the chicken

→ She should not be leaving before the class ends

→ She should not be putting the stuff into the doors to catch the train



What if I don't wanna be a shoe?

- What if

→ What if I don't wanna go there?

→ What if I don't wanna participate in the activity?
→ What if I don't wanna take a class?



Buzz him in!

- buzz in : 들여보내다, 도착하다

→ Never let him buzz in there!

→ I will buzz in next month

→ I will buzz in there in 5 minutes



So Rachel, what are you, uh... What are you up to tonight?

- what are you up to : 뭐 하고 있어? 뭐 할거야? 

→ What are you up to this saturday?

→ What are you up to after all the class ends up?

→ What are you up to sitting here alone?



Well, I was kind of supposed to be headed for Aruba on my honeymoon, so nothing!

- be suppose to : ~하기로 되어있다, ~해야 한다

→ Well, I am kind of supposed to meet my friend here at 6!

→ Well, I was kind of supposed to see a movie but it cancelled because of the virus, so nothing!

→ Well, I was kind of supposed to go to school but school has been shutted down, so nothing!



Right, you're not even getting your honeymoon, God.

- get이 은근 많이 쓰이는 동사

→ Right, you're not even getting a chance to go to school

→ Right, you're not even getting a hamburger, God

→ Right, you're not even getting a cup of water



Anyway, if you don't feel like being alone tonight,

Joey and Chandler are coming over to help me put together my new furniture.

- feel like / don't feel like

→ If you don't feel like having a burger today, you can come over to our place to have a chicken together

→ If you don't feel like taking a class today, you can come over to karaoke to sing with us

→ If you don't feel like studying today, Joey is coming over to hang out in Han river



Well actually thanks, but I think I'm just going to hang out here tonight

- 자기 의견 말할 때 앞에 I think 많이 붙이네 / hang out : 쉬다, 시간을 보내다

→ Well actually thanks, but I think I'm just gonna go back home and have a dinner with my family

→ I think I'm just going to hang out at home tonight

→ I think he's just going to hang out at home tonight



▶I'm suppose to attach a brackety thing to the side things, using a bunch of these little worm guys.

- be suppose to

→ I'm suppose to hand in my report till 10pm tonight

→ I'm suppose to be there in time

→ I'm suppose to take on a suit for the interview


I have no idea

- 나는 모르겠어

→ You have no idea how sweetly she sings

→ I have no idea what to say in the first meeting

→ I have no idea what to do in the future for a living



Done with the bookcase

- done with : ~는 끝났다, 다 했다

→ I'm done with the yogurt

→ I'm done with my dish

→ I'm done with my report



She always drank it out of the can

- drink out of something : ~로 마시다 / 과거에 그랬다는 건데 그냥 -ed형 씀

→ She always drink beer out of a mug

→ She always drink milk out of a pack

→ She always drank water out of the bottle



I guess I should have caught on when she started going to the dentist four and five times a week

- should have p.p / -ed 그냥 써도 되는 듯

→ I should have not eaten the cookie that late

→ I guess I should have caught on when she had spicy food that late

→ I should have bought that stock last year



Ever since she walked out on me, I...

- ever since / walk out on : ~을 버리다, 떠나다

→ Ever since I've been doing a part time job, I get to not get an allowance

→ Ever since she walked out on her boyfriend, she regrets everytime

→ Ever since that department walked out on the negotiation, other depts refuse to corporate with them



What were you gonna say?

- 무슨 이야기를 하려고 했어? / 뭐 하려고 했어? = was/were gonna 사용하면 굿

→ What were you gonna do after the class ends?

→ What were you gonna do if you failed to get a job?

→ What were you gonna do if I hadn't called you?



Do you know how long it's been since I've grabbed a spoon?

- have p.p / have been ing

→ Do you know how long it's been since you've started the game?

→ It's been a long time since she's left me

→ I have never made coffe before in my entire life



While you're on a roll, if you feel like you got to make like a Western omelet or something..

- got to, gotta = have got to : ~해야 한다 (의무) / get to : ~하게 되다, ~할 기회를 얻다(잡다)

- feel like : ~인 것 같아, ~인 것 같은 기분이 들어

→ I got to go to New york for a business trip

→ I got to pay my tax until tomorrow

→ I feel like somebody's should be bringing a frying fan in

   : 누가 후라이팬을 좀 갖다줘야 할 것 같은데

→ I feel like I've watched so many people eat this, now I know

   : 나는 뭔가 다른 사람들이 먹는 것만 본 것 같은데, 이제 나도 알았네



Wow! Would I have seen you anything?

   Oh, I doubt it. Mostly, regional work

   Oh wait, unless you happended to catch the wee ones production of Pinocchio

- 'unless = ~하지 않았다면'의 뉘양스 or 반대로 ~하자

→ This coat doesn't fit me. Unless you change the color

→ That dog wouldn't bite you unless you get closer to him

→ The professor wouldn't give you F unless you didn't fulfill the attendance policy



▶Oh, how well you know me!

- HOW 감탄사

→ How well she sings!

→ How fluent your Korean is!

→ How well you know about Korea!



▶It's hard being on your own for the first time

- hard -ing

→ It's hard getting used to the new environment

→ It's hard talking to someone new

→ It's hard living a life without a phone and laptop



▶And I ended up living with this albino guy

- end up -ing : 결국 ~하게 되었다

→ You ended up buying that

→ I ended up not solving that problem

→ I ended up eating all the plates of pizza



▶That's it. Do you wanna crash on the couch?

- crash on the couch : 쇼파에서 자다, 놀다

→ What I really wanna do is just crash on the couch and watch Netflix

→ I just wanna go back home and crash on the couch

→ You can crash on my couch for a  few weeks



▶You know you probably didn't know this, but back in high school, I had a,um.. major cruch on you

- back in 어느 시절 / major / crush on

→ Back in high school, I had a crush on my history teacher

→ Back in Junior, I used to be a president of the club

→ I used to hang out at home back in freshman



▶You did! Oh, okay. I always figured you just thought I was Monica's geeky older brother

- figure : 생각하다 (은근 사용 多)

→ I figured about how it's gonna be if I try something new

→ I figured he is a dull person

→ I figured there are only 3 seasons



▶Do you think it would be okay if I asked you out? Sometime? Maybe?

- would it be okay if S + 과거동사 : S가 ~한다면, 괜찮을까?

→ Would it be okay if I went on a trip to aboard this summer?

→ Would it be okay if I went out to buy a coffee?

→ Would it be okay if he didn't come?



▶Hey, what's with you?

- 왜 그래? 무슨 일이야?

→ What's with the cup on your hand?

: 손에 있는 컵 뭐야?

→ What's with that guy standing in the middle of the road?

→ What's with the people standing in front of the building?





계속 듣고 말하고 Writing까지 하셔야 체화가 되는거에요!!


